Hits: 2016
Taking Care of Your Eyes

When we think of good health, we often think of diet and fitness – of looking good, and having more energy. But something else that’s really important, especially as we age, is something we don’t often think about taking care of – our eyes.

Taking care of your eyes and eyesight is also part of a healthy regime, but too often we take our vision for granted. Here are a few simple steps to keep in mind, so that you can take care of your eyes as well as the rest of you:

Eat Well

It sounds simple, but it’s true – you are what you eat, especially when it comes to eye health. When you are eating an abundance of unhealthy, processed and fatty foods, you could end up with type 2 Diabetes. You might not be aware, but Diabetes is the leading cause of blindness in adults. Instead of grabbing a bag of chips, try making a healthy salad with dark, leafy greens and adding salmon, tuna or an oily fish rich in Omega 3s. Nuts are also a good protein for maintaining eye health, along with oranges and other citrus fruits.

Look Away From the Computer

Many of us are guilty of staring at the computer for too long. Optimistically, we should be getting up and stretching every 20minutes, and this includes resting your eyes, too. Think of the 20/20/20 rule: every 20 minutes, stare at something 20 feet away from you for 20 seconds. This helps you rest your eyes, reduces the risk of headaches and muscle pain, and helps avoid dry eyes and other discomfort.

Visit Your Eye Doctor

Visiting the doctor is not fun, but it’s a necessity to make sure you are in good health, or taking preventative measures to ward off a problem. The same goes for your eyes, though we often neglect them. Once a year, make an appointment with an eye doctor to get your eyes checked – not just your vision, but your eye health. In addition to vision tests, they also provide the following in an exam:

Wear Sunglasses

A nice pair of sunglasses aren’t just a beauty trend, they are important for the health of your eyes, too. Make sure you wear lenses that block out UVA and UVB rays. Polarized lenses help keep the glare off your eyes, too. Too much UV exposure makes you more likely to get cataracts and macular degeneration. So invest some money in those shades!

Check out this page for a list of online stores who supply eye glasses and contacts.