
Review Chatter is a business which reviews online services and products. We also allow our users to post their own reviews and comments. This service is provided for free. Income from this website may be generated by affiliate programs and/or displaying advertising. We make this disclosure with the interests of being honest with our visitors. If you have any questions, please contact us.

Third-Party & Sponsor Ads

Review Chatter may sometimes receives revenue from advertising. We may be paid by the advertiser directly for displaying ads and/or we may use an advertising network like Google AdSense. In either case we try to display relevant ads that may be of interest to our visitors. In most cases we do not have complete control over what ads are displayed on our pages. If you see an ad (for example from Google AdSense) and a web page of ours about the same product or service, it may be mere coincidence and beyond our complete control. We do not personally endorse the products and services advertised in these ads and these companies are not affiliated with Review Chatter

Affiliate Programs

Like many websites, Review Chatter can receive a commission for any qualifying click, lead or sale from some of the products and services featured on this site. This is a very common online practice for referring customers in business. Income we receive this way does not cost the customer directly anything extra and is usually considered just part of the marketing budget of the product or service by the company that sells it, just like a regular online, print or TV advertisements.

The money we earn helps defer both the costs and hours spent maintaining the many free elements of this website. Researching and writing for Review Chatter, plus upgrading and maintaining a website of this size requires several talented people and many hours a week.

We do not receive revenue from all products and services reviewed on Review Chatter. Whether or not the product or service has an affiliate program does not affect our recommendation. We judge all reviewed products and services impartially. If we belong to the affiliate program of a product or service reviewed or recommended on this website by us, then it is always based on our belief that the business and its product or service will provide excellent and valuable information or service. This is based on one or more of the following:

In some cases, we may receive the product or service for free for review purposes. We have never been paid to write a review or article, Review Chatter may receive commission on a purchase of that product if a visitor clicks on one of the banners or external links on the site. If you did not find value in the service Review Chatter provides then you are more than welcome to visit the product or service company's website directly.

Please note that you should always do your own due-diligence before making any purchases. Any product claim, statistic, quote or other representation about a product or service on this website should be verified with the manufacturer, provider or party in question.