DNA Genetic Testing

3 results - showing 1 - 3
MyHeritage DNA Home Page
2.8 (1)
Updated December 14, 2018 5411 2 10 0


Per DNA test plus shipping.

DNA Genetic Testing

Type of Testing
Type of DNA testing done by the service. This can include Ancestry, Health, and Parental.
Number of Records
Number of customer DNA records in the companies database.
Not Available
MyHeritage DNA offers DNA testing kits and a service which analyzes your DNA to help uncover your ethnic origins. This includes the ethnic groups and geographic regions you originate from. You may also find new relatives you never knew you had by finding others who share your DNA. MyHeritageDNA was launched by the online genealogy service MyHeritage in 2016. Before this and since 2008...
AncestryDNA Home Page
2.3 (11)
Updated August 23, 2021 7094 1 8 0


Per DNA test plus shipping.

DNA Genetic Testing

Type of Testing
Type of DNA testing done by the service. This can include Ancestry, Health, and Parental.
Number of Records
Number of customer DNA records in the companies database.
Over 10 Million
AncestryDNA is one of the largest online DNA testing services and now has over 10 million customers in its DNA database. This DNA testing service finds out information about your ethnicity and where you came from (these results are called Ethnicity Estimate and includes 26 ethnic regions) and distant relatives of others who took the same test. AncestryDNA was launched by Ancestry.com in the...
23andMe Home Page
23andMe Hot
3.5 (3)
Updated November 13, 2018 6047 0 6 0


For Ancestry Service. Other services are available.

DNA Genetic Testing

Type of Testing
Type of DNA testing done by the service. This can include Ancestry, Health, and Parental.
Number of Records
Number of customer DNA records in the companies database.
Over 5 Million
23andMe was launched in 2006 and offers to consumers DNA genetic testing to help determine a persons ancestry, genetic health risks, carrier status, traits, and overall wellness (based on the persons genes). In all there are more than 90 reports that customers can get access to (depends on service ordered). 23andMe.com currently have over 5 million genotyped customers. The name of the company refers...
3 results - showing 1 - 3