Reply: Should I pick Blue Apron or Hello Fresh?

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Topic History of: Should I pick Blue Apron or Hello Fresh?

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  • VictoriaDavis

Blue Apron in my opinion

  • Zoey

My family and I have been using Hello Fresh and Blue Apron for almost three months now. Depending on the meals being offered we switch between the 2 or even have both delivered since it gives us 6 dinners for the week. If there is a week at one that we don't like we just pass on that week.

Blue Apron costs about $10 less a week and I do fine their portions are usually larger. I don't like every meal but then I will skip it and settle for Hello Fresh instead. This is the case for Hello Fresh as well but doesn't happen as often.

Using meal delivery companies does reduce my shopping needs but I do find my overall spending on meal kits plus groceries has increased when compared to last year when I was just buying groceries. Of course I spent more time grocery shopping and I didn't have the different recipes to try out and figure out what dinners I need to make.

For both Hello Fresh and Blue Apron I will sometimes add chicken to a meatless meal choice for my husband. I don't need the meat myself but he will still be hungry afterward.

For both the food is always fresh but the packaging is an issue and wasteful. Blue Apron does offer a recycle program where the packaging can be shipped back free of charge. Blue Apron will then reuse it or have it recycled.

I would recommend both but it probably comes down to your meal preference. Pick the one you like better as you can always switch if it doesn't work out for you. For me I will just continue to use both :)

  • Beth

I live in New York city and after reading a number of reviews of meal kit companies I have decided to try either Hello Fresh or Blue Apron. Both look on paper to be pretty good and offer meals I would like to prepare and eat.

Has anyone tried both and which would you recommend?

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