Meal Kit Subscriptions Surge

People are opting for convenience in the way they cook their meals at home, and testament to this is the phenomenal growth of the meal kit industry.

According to market research firm Technomic, Inc., meal kit sales topped $1 billion in 2015, and the growth of the niche industry is far outpacing all other aspects of food service. The research firm also projects that meal kit services will become a multi-billion dollar market over the next five years.

Meal kit services offer online convenience to cooking at home, eliminating the need to grocery shop and search for new recipes. They deliver the ingredients and recipes (planned and measured in advance), straight to your door so you can bypass the grocery store altogether.

Consumers’ growing preference for online shopping over the past few years has given the industry its push. As people become more comfortable with ordering services and products online, it makes sense they might source their everyday grocery items online, too. Plus, the meal kit companies offer fresh and measured ingredients, which might not be easily found in neighborhood stores, along with recipes and cooking tips to help people who might not be so comfortable in the kitchen but want to eat healthier.

What to Eat After a Workout

We all are guilty of carb-loading during the holiday season. This is why many of us also try to battle the winter weight gain by challenging ourselves physically.

Many people are adding extra power and momentum to normal exercise routines this time of year, including training for marathons and triathlons, weight training, yoga, and incorporating more dance-related classes like Zumba or Barre. While this is fantastic and healthy for your body, you run the risk of all those benefits going to waste if you don’t provide your body with much-needed nutrients after a workout. (I'm not talking about stuffing and turkey, though.)

So what are the best foods to eat after a workout?

Nutritionists differ in what they recommend, depending on your fitness level or what type of workout you do. But there is some commonality to certain types of foods that can help you maintain a healthy body, which include:

Healthy Juice?

Juicing is a popular practice in today's health-conscious society, because for many, it’s a preferable way to get nutrients.

The American Health Association advises that five servings of fruits and vegetables per day is required for optimal health. For many, the idea of eating Brussels sprouts or planning their meals around cooking fresh vegetables is inconvenient and not very appetizing. Most of us would rather grab a handful of crackers or make a pasta or mac and cheese for dinner.

With juicing however, you can get five servings of your fruits and vegetables in one glass.

But health experts disagree on how healthy juicing actually is. Some say that when you buy fresh juice there is additional added sugar that isn’t so great for your body. Or if you use a juicer at home, the skins of the fruits and vegetables (where the vast majority of the nutrients lie), are separated out, so you miss the true health benefits when you juice.

5 Essentials you Need for a Day Hike

One of the best ways to get some quality time communing with nature is to hike.

There are many benefits to hiking. First, it’s great exercise that improves both your muscle strength and your endurance, without being as hard on your joints as running can be. Also, it’s a great way to de-stress. When you wander in nature, your surroundings can offer a meditative experience, which helps you relax and unwind from a hectic week.

With hiking, it’s good to be prepared, especially if you are new to the sport or aren’t familiar with a particular trail. It’s always better to be safe than sorry when dealing with nature and unpredictable events.

Following are five essentials you need for a day hike:

Muscle Soreness

Many of us have experienced injury and soreness as a result of strenuous workouts. Sometimes, the pain or tightness is enough to make us want to quit altogether. Before you throw in the towel, it’s good to do a little research into the causes of muscle tenderness resulting from a workout, and what you can do to relieve it.

Often, inflammation plays a role, as Natalie Gingerich MacKenzie states in her article for MindBodyGreen. Our muscles and connective tissue experience micro-tears when we work out. Our bodies respond to this by prompting the immune system to raise inflammation levels to rebuild and fix these damaged areas. This does mean we grow stronger over time, with rebuilt tissue and muscles. But the physical result is muscle soreness and stiffness that gets worse over time if we don’t take the time to take care of our bodies.

Pros and Cons of buying shoes online.

Amazon and other online retailers have made things really easy for shoppers. From the comfort of our work desks and couches, we can look through seemingly endless options to find the exact item we want. This includes researching the latest trends in fitness gear.

Many people are amping up their fitness routines by joining running groups, signing up with a cross fit gym, or even hiring a personal trainer to help create a customized workout plan. No matter what you try, you’ll need a good pair of shoes that’s right for you and your activities.

Big athletic stores are on the decline, with Sports Chalet going out of business and other large retailers closing stores every year. In addition, smaller retailers don’t often have the size, color, or exact brand or model of the shoe you’re looking for. This can make it difficult to find what you need simply by visiting retailers.

This is why online shopping on stores like Amazon and Brooks Shoes can benefit you, but there are things to consider. Following is a list of pros and cons to buying running shoes online: