King Tutankhamun, the famous boy pharaoh who ascended to the Egyptian throne more than 3,000 years ago at the age of nine or ten, is making news once again thanks to the recently-published results of a Swiss genealogical study conducted in 2009.

Scientists at iGENEA, a DNA genealogy center located in Zurich, have reconstructed Tutankhamun's DNA profile, as well as the DNA profiles of his father, Akhenaten, and grandfather, Amenhotep III. Evaluating their findings with the aid of a film created for the Discovery Channel, the iGENEA team have determined that a massive percentage of European men are directly descended from the famed pharaoh.

You're working out like crazy. You've stuck to your diet. But the scale won't budge.

What gives?

Lasting weight loss takes more than a restrictive fad diet and hours on the treadmill. Here are 4 ways you may subconsciously be sabotaging your weight loss goals.

Recording the entirety of your family's history is a daunting prospect, if you don't know where to start.

Fortunately, the Internet is rife with resources for budding genealogists and experienced ancestry experts alike. We've already taken a look at 5 strategies for starting a family tree, so let's dive right in to 5 more strategies for building a family history from your bed:

No hunt for the family history would be complete without a search of the census, but it can be a confusing source to use when you're new to genealogical research.

In the quest to construct a family tree, you're practically guaranteed to run across a relative that you would swear never actually existed. Perhaps your research went wrong somewhere earlier on, or perhaps you're simply not looking in the right places. When you think you've hit a dead end, try these tips for locating an especially well-hidden ancestor:

Want to trace your family history, but don't know where to start?

In the case of genealogy, the best place to start is also the easiest: your home. Thanks to the innovations of the Internet, beginning to establish a family tree is as simple as logging online and taking advantage of the many resources available on the World Wide Web.

Here are 5 ways to to kick off the hunt for your ancestors without leaving home:

Once upon a time, the path that had to be followed in order to research a family’s history was simple: siblings and parents, grandparents, great-grandparents, great-great-grandparents, and so on.

But in the 21st century, when family structures increasingly deviate from traditional ideas of what constitutes a family unit, genealogy is being forced to adapt to the changing social climate. With the development of computer programs to record family histories, keeping track the family tree is easier than ever – conventional families are effortlessly added to the software, and most programs can also accommodate divorce, remarriage, adopted children, and step- or half-siblings.