Healthy skin through a better diet.

A few years ago, I was diagnosed with a skin condition called rosacea. In my case, after exercising, drinking wine, and even being out in the sun for a few minutes, I would notice an outbreak. My cheeks turned red, little bumps would appear on my nose, and my whole face would feel hot, irritated.

I tried to cover the redness with make-up and tinted moisturizers, but still, the redness and bumps were hard to conceal. I researched, wondering what to do. It wasn’t until I stumbled upon several nutritionists’ advice to change my diet that I seriously paid attention to the link between what I was putting in my body and what I was seeing on my face. Once I changed my habits, I noticed a pretty radical shift.

Many skin conditions, including rosacea, acne, dullness and dryness, can be linked to diet. When you eat healthier, your whole body can change, not just your stomach, thighs, or hips. You will likely notice more glowing, radiant and clear skin.

Following are some tips to help improve your skin, no matter what the condition:

Summer Fitness Outside

Summer is finally here, which means warmer weather and more daylight hours. It’s also a great time to skip the gym and opt instead to spend time outside in the fresh air, (rather than jumping back on that treadmill.)

The summer season is a good time to take advantage of good weather, become more active, and implement a healthier lifestyle. Following are five ways to improve your health this summer:

Hello Fresh

HelloFresh recipe kits delivered the week of June 11th to 15th, 2016 and the weeks of March 12th to 25th, 2016 have been recalled due to notification from a supplier that the peas have the potential to be contaminated with Listeria monocytogenes.

The peas were delivered by a third party delivery service in Colorado, New Mexico, Nebraska, Kansas, Oklahoma, Texas, Louisiana, Arkansas, Missouri, Iowa, Minnesota, Wisconsin, Illinois, Ohio, Indiana, Kentucky, Mississippi, Alabama, Tennessee, Florida, and Georgia, as part of the meals "Summer Vegetable Salad with Seared Chicken, Garlic Croutons, and Mustard-Chive Vinaigrette" (June 11-15, 2016), "Lemony Pan-Seared Chicken with Pesto Potato Salad and Peas" (March 12-18, 2016), and "Seared Steak with Spring Veggie Succotash and Mint-Chive Pesto" and "Nir's Lamb-Stuffed Zucchini with Spiced Lentil Stew" (March 19-25, 2016). We expect that the March items have already been consumed and no cases of illness have been reported. The peas would have arrived in a portion cup inside a kit box labeled with the recipe names described above.

HelloFresh currently has no complaints in regards to their customers becoming sick due to the peas, but in caution has decided to do this voluntary recall.

Listeria monocytogenes is an organism which can cause serious and sometimes fatal infections in children and elderly people, and other people with weakened immune systems. Healthy individuals can also suffer short-term symptoms such as high fever, severe headache, stiffness, nausea, abdominal pain and diarrhea. The Listeria infection can also cause miscarriages and stillbirths among pregnant women.

If you have any concerns or are experiencing symptoms linked to this recall, please contact your healthcare provider immediately. For more information please read the FDA announcement.

Eye health is affected by your diet and fitness level.

Many of us take care of our bodies by getting regular exercise and trying to eat healthy, mostly in an effort to look good or to address a potential health concern, like hypertension, diabetes, or high blood pressure.

What many of us don’t realize is how our diet and fitness choices can also affect our eye health. Diabetes is the leading cause of blindness in adults. Changes to your diet can yield a lot of benefit both for your overall health and also your eyesight.

If you find yourself eating a lot of processed foods over a long period of time, there aren’t many nutrients for your body to absorb and run properly. Along with vital organs, your eyesight is affected as well over the long term.

Exercise Can Improve Your Mental Health

A regular exercise routine is beneficial in so many ways – it reduces your risk for health issues such as cardiovascular disease and type two diabetes. And as you age, it can help strengthen your muscles and bones to keep you active and agile so you can live longer.

Exercise is not only good for your physical health, but also your mental and emotional health. Most of us recognize that getting up and moving can help us shake off a bad day, or get us energized in the morning. At the end of a workout, we usually feel pretty good, even if we're sore! This is because during exercise, endorphins kick in and the brain releases serotonin, a chemical that helps you feel good.

Here are five ways exercise can improve your mental health that you might not know about:

Finding your eyeglasses frame size.

Do you know the frame size for your eyeglasses? Many people don’t. While most people get their prescriptions filled according to the right specifications, they don’t know how to look for eyeglass frames that fit, and so purchase them solely on the basis of how they look.

If you want frames that fit over the bridge of your nose and around your ears without pinching or falling off, then it’s important to know your frame size.

Frame size is relatively easy to find on most prescription glasses. (Keep in mind that sunglasses tend to be bigger than eyeglasses, so you might have two different frame sizes.) Typically, the numbers you need are marked on the temple or the bridge of the glasses.