It's almost time for spring cleaning, an annual ritual that can do a whole lot more than de-clutter your house. This year, use spring cleaning as an opportunity to further your weight loss goals by ditching temptations, dumping negative influences, and incorporating positive reinforcement into your life.

Weight Watchers suggests starting with the kitchen, the most obvious trouble spot for those with dieting difficulties. Step one is to organize the kitchen, a room that can easily get disorganized and chaotic. Unlike the kind of kitchen that looks like the site of a nuclear attack, a well-organized kitchen is an inviting place. An inviting kitchen means less eating out, and less eating out means more of a bunch of other good things, like better nutrition and more financially-friendly eating habits.

WeightWatchers Canada is having a Easter sale which starts March 27th and runs to April 2nd, 2016. This online diet service has been in business for over 50 years (yes that is true!) and has become one of the popular choices for Canadian men and women who wish to lose weight.

With this promotion you can save 50% off a 3 month or a 6 month subscription plan at Weight Watchers recently launched their new Beyond the Scale program which uses the smart points system that is endorsed by Oprah Winfrey. This new personalized system allows you to eat the foods you want while controlling the portions. You will eat healthier, stay active, be happier, and lose the weight you want.

Taking Care of Your Eyes

When we think of good health, we often think of diet and fitness – of looking good, and having more energy. But something else that’s really important, especially as we age, is something we don’t often think about taking care of – our eyes.

Taking care of your eyes and eyesight is also part of a healthy regime, but too often we take our vision for granted. Here are a few simple steps to keep in mind, so that you can take care of your eyes as well as the rest of you:

Ancestry DNA Result Example, a leading website for genealogical information, tracking, and storytelling, has announced that it has tested the DNA of over one million people. What this means in larger terms is that people searching for missing family ties have a greater chance of finding new information and connections, whether it's discovering new cousins or finding your grandmother's long lost brother.

The Ancestry database has more than doubled over the past year, and through the DNA testing has discovered over 99 million connections of fourth cousin or closer. In fact, distant family members might be even closer to you than you think.

Online Fitness Programs

There’s been a surge of interest in online fitness programs lately, and it’s easy to see why. Online programs offer the flexible access that people are looking for, especially those who juggle work, raising kids, and other interests. Why not work out at 10:00 at night, if that works best for you?

This trend resembles the rise in popularity of Netflix’s on-demand viewing platform, where people can watch what they want to watch at any time – including binge-watching their favorite show. In fact, Netflix’s capabilities has completely changed TV viewing as we know it; we no longer have to wait for the final episode of our show-it is available when we want it.

It’s easy to see why people would want this type of 24/7 access in other parts of their lives. We are all connected digitally, so why not apply this connectivity to cooking, fitness, basket weaving, or anything else you might want to do?

Online Printing Services for Weddings

Planning a wedding is stressful – there are a lot of decisions to be made in addition to location, date, and who to invite. As many wedding planners know, there is an incredible amount of detail and planning that goes into every minute of a wedding, from the time the bride arrives to get ready to the time the tables and chairs are taken down.

It’s incredibly stressful if you don’t know where to go for things like invitations, flowers, food and beverages, a photographer, and a million other parts of creating a memorable wedding. Plus, there’s the limited budget and limited amount of time you can spend looking for what you need.

This is where online services can really help streamline your efforts without breaking the bank. Why not think outside the wedding vendor box and go directly to websites offering the same type of services? There’s no reason to spend extra money on a specialty wedding invitation printer, for instance, when your resources could be put to better use – like hiring your favorite DJ for the reception.