Fitocracy is an online workout and fitness service. They provide 100's of exercises which are put together in pre-defined workout programs. Users can also create custom programs and exercise routines. Most exercises contain detailed information about what muscle groups it works and a video showing the proper technique to perform the exercise. Along with the workout programs Fitocracy provides a detail workout tracker so you can keep on top of your workout programs and how you are performing at your goals.

Fitocracy also provides it's own unique brand of motivation.  It uses a points and badge system along with social networking to help Fitocrats (Fitocracy members) to motivate themselves and each other.

To find out more about this service read our Fitocracy review. If you have used this fitness service and would like to voice your own opinion (good or bad), please feel free to add your own review of Fitocracy.

Last week we talked about what to get for the fitness freaks in your life this holiday season. But what about the genealogy geeks? Check out this gift guide that will win over any amateur ancestry researcher this December:

Black Friday has come and gone, and the days are running out for holiday shopping.

Are you still not sure what to get for the fitness freak in your life? Or if you're the fitness freak in the family, are you wondering what toys you should ask Santa for this year? Here's a holiday gift guide that's guaranteed to please all the gym bunnies and fitness fanatics this December:

It's the time of year that every dieter dreads: the holidays. In most people's minds, Thanksgiving is a holiday that seems invented solely for the purpose of stuffing yourself. That “giving thanks” business is nice, but it's the food we really look forward to every year.

Well I've got news for you: one of the many things you have to be grateful for is your health, and a holiday isn't a “get out of jail free” card to abuse it. Instead of gorging on gravy and spending the weekend watching football, make some changes this year that boost your energy level and don't bust your waistband.

Our new 24 Hour Fitness review is online now. This club currently has over 400 locations in the United States and has over 4 million members which makes it the largest gym in the world. Find out what amenities 24 Hour Fitness offers and what makes this club a popular choice for people who enjoy working out and attending fitness classes.

If you are not interested in joining a gym and would like to loose some weight and stay fit at home you might want to try a online fitness video streaming services. Please check our Fitness Category for a listing of these type of services.

For more information your can read our 24 Hour Fitness review


Losing weight (and keeping it off) is really about adjusting your lifestyle choices. Many people try crash diets to lose a few pounds before an important event, or to fit back into their jeans. But once the diet is over, the pounds come back on, and it can be overwhelming to start another diet once again.

Instead of moving from diet to diet, it’s time to get more in tune with your body, and make healthier choices. This requires a new perspective. Instead of focusing on those 10 or 20 pounds to lose, think of your body in terms of its health. You want to be able to move without your joints hurting. You want to be able to walk up stairs without getting winded. You want to be able to enjoy a glass of wine and some chocolate without feeling tremendous guilt.